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Major Equipment


Microscope for imagining 2D materials and device fabrication.
Home built transfer stage for stacking 2D materials. Includes high powered optics, angle control, and motorized z control.
Oxygen plasma system for cleaning and etching.
Scotch tape (and other supplies) for exfoliating 2D materials.
Asylum MFP-3D Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
Select AFM Capabilities:
- Topography
- Nanolithography
- Conductive AFM
- Kelvin Probe Microscopy
- Piezo Force Microscopy


Coming Soon


Bluefors dilution refrigerator. Base temperature 10 mK, 3-axis vector magnet, 9-1-1 T. Coming in 2025. (Image credit: Bluefors)
HQ Graphene transfer stage for assembling 2D heterostructures. (image credit: HQ graphene)
Argon gloveboxes for handling air sensitive 2D materials. (Image credit: MBraun)

Major Shared Equipment


FEI Sirion 400 scanning electron microscope with lithography capabilities - Zink Lab
Electron beam evaporator - Zink Lab
WestBond wire bonder - Zink lab